WMC Kuwait Province

Having an area of about 17,000 sq. Kms, the State of Kuwait shares the border of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The inhabitants area is just 10% only and the rest are sandy desert area.

An oily rich country, kuwait has a population of aporox. 4.2 million, of which 31% are Nationals and 69% are Expatriates. About 1 million Indians second home is Kuwait, of which 80% are Malayalees.Kuwait has a constitutional monarchical head, however maintains a parliamentary system too.

Known for the world’s highest currency Kuwait Dinar and the highest per capita income, Kuwait economy is quite stable, despite the ongoing recessions worldwide. Literacy rate of Kuwait is more than 96%. Arabic is the official language, however English is widely spoken.Kuwait maintains a healthy bilateral relations with India, for which the kuwait Indian Embassy plays a major role in enhancing it from time to time.

And World Malayalee Council (WMC), Kuwait Province, established in February 2019,has been fully engaged in rendering social, welfare and cultural services. The members of the council are those who have voluntarily joined, by knowing its unmatchable, remarkable and relentless services to the community

A non- political platform, WMC aims to bring the Malayalees around the world under one umbrella and nurture them India’s rich culture and heritage.

Under the guidelines of parent organization , we are determined to serve our community with various types of activities. We are also committed to help those who are in need of assistance, whatsoever nature.