About Us
World Malayalee Council Middle East Region is one of the most active regions among the six regions of WMC global, which has a geographical coverage in all the Gulf countries, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran. At present, the Middle East region has twelve provinces in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain. The primary objective of the regional council is to co-ordinate with all the provinces in the middle east region for their smooth functioning and to act as a communication bridge between the provinces and the global administration of WMC. Approval and formation of new provinces in the region is also the responsibility of the Middle East Regional Committee.
The Middle East region has the largest number of Non-Resident Malayalee Diaspora living outside Kerala and the WMC Middle East region caters for both the Malayalee residents in the Middle East and those who have returned back to Kerala after living in the Middle East. WMC Middle East Region is predominantly concerned with addressing the problems and issues of Non-Resident Keralites. The Middle East Region also initiates and promotes welfare, developmental, charitable activities and enterprises for uplifting the economically backward groups or areas in Kerala.
World Malayalee Council aims at creating a dynamic link between the Malayalee Diaspora and the motherland to enhance and empower the Social Capital of the community, inculcating the core values of Diversity, and Excellence.
World Malayalee Council is committed to working closely with the people of Kerala origin across the globe for effectively promoting their integration, exchange, cooperation, empowerment and recognition through innovative programs, projects and institutions in the fields of economic, cultural and social empowerment to augment and channelize the Social capital of the Malayalee Community, by providing a thought leadership, for a productive and sustainable future.
The World Malayalee Council was founded in April 1995 and inaugurated on 3rd July,1995 at the first ever World Convention for Non-Resident Malayalees.
The main objective of this organization is to provide a non-political forum to bring together the widely scattered community of Malayalee people/Kerala origin and strengthen the common bonds of culture, tradition and way of life. The charter of the organization recognizes the revolutionary transformation taking place at global levels as a result of quantum leaps in technology.
WMC has constituted worldwide, Regional and Provincial Councils with eminent Malayalees who have distinguished themselves universally. Eligible and committed persons with vision and integrity are elected and appointed at different organizational levels to pilot the organization towards success. WMC is responsive to the needs of the diverse multi-racial geographical milieu in which Malayalees move about.
This organization with a tremendous global network provides opportunities and capabilities for people of all age groups to impart leadership and service to the community they live in and to their motherland Kerala/India. WMC offers special emphasis to the development of new generation of expatriate Malayalees who feel cultural and social alienation in their adopted country.
WMC has a distinct, systematic and well-defined three-tiered (global, regional and provincial) hierarchical system with provinces in over 62 countries which are grouped under six regions as listed below:-
• 1. America – Continent of North and South America and Caribbean Islands
• 2. Europe – The continent of Europe
• 3. Africa – The continent of Africa
• 4. Middle East – All Gulf countries, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran.
• 5. India – India, Sri Lanka, Mali, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan.
• 6. Far East & Australia – Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, Japan, Fiji Islands
In keeping with the Vision & Mission statements and its overall purpose, World Malayalee Council shall have the following objectives:
- To provide a meeting point for Malayalees living all over the World and to open up new possibilities for their economic, political and social growth and to augment the social capital, inherited rich culture and values.
- To facilitate a dynamic link between the Malayalee experience, expertise and entrepreneurship in the developing and the developed countries for the invigoration of the Malayalee Community at large, and the Kerala State in particular.
- To seek out and recognize Malayalee Talents, Skills and Intelligence on a global level and mobilize them for the enhancement of Professional Development, Career Advancement, and Technological breakthrough.
- To organize and network Malayalees of different age groups across the globe to constantly communicate, share and update their knowledgebase.
- To create a cultural awakening in the Malayalee Diaspora, scattered worldwide, and to instill in them the openness of culling out the cream of all cultures paving the way for a world harmony.
- To co-operate with other Malayalee organizations, and communities in all countries, and the Governments to achieve the goals of WMC
- To organize and work with the nonresident Malayalees and NRI/NRK organizations around the world to protect and promote property rights, civil rights, safety, security and rightful participation for them in Kerala and elsewhere.
World Malayalee Council is a dynamic organization that envisages bringing together all malayalees across the globe under one umbrella. We believe that diversity in religion, caste, creed or political affiliations should not stand as a barrier between human hearts. We are lead by the principle 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' which means 'The World is One Family'. The malayalee diaspora is spread far and wide across the world. Though divided by political boundaries and religious beliefs, united we stand to make this world a better place for all.

It gives me immense pleasure to write this message in my capacity as World Malayalee Council- Middle East Region General Secretary. I am privileged to be part of WMC’s management team and to take part in its quest for greater success in the future.
WMC is in essence a platform for cooperation, its existence and the success achieved so far is a reflection of its members’ determination to cooperate, which in turn is driven by the fact that in the complex world of the geopolitics and economical up and downs specially during this Covid-19 Pandemic Era,each of WMC’s member and their families faces its own unique mix of conditions, challenges and opportunities, and that leads to the urge or demand for an organization like WMC to strength and competence. And by combining these strengths together in a meaningful way and in a sustained manner, great things are possible.
It is my opinion that issues facing our community, both at present and in the future, are too important for WMC’s members to tackle in isolation, and the challenges and opportunities that confront our members are too large to consider taking them on single-handedly. In today’s increasingly competitive environment, sustained cooperation is the key to a more promising future for our society: a future in which WMC and its visionary leaders in the Gulf region help thousands of people to realize the promise of better standard of living and greater prosperity. With the emergence of the Gulf as the center of gravity for the global diasphora, the decision made by the leadership of WMC to launch Middle East Region was both timely and vital. That year marked the beginning of WMC’s successful journey, WMC M.E.’s successful journey is also reflected in its membership growth which currently stands at over 1000.
We, at the WMC M.E. Secretariat, are committed to collaborate with our members, including fellow global leadership, to deliver distinguished services and support to our members and to our communities. Through our working committees, we are actively endorsing our social commitment and initiatives such as Responsible Care.